
Queer togetherness and joy web: Yves Rees about Archer #14 release

These is a short plant from

Exactly about Yves: Records from a Transition

(A&U, RRP $32.99) by Yves Rees and is also available for purchase

No body had been referring to any kind of this. Our lockdown experience had gotten no airtime.

Instead, the mass media and people in politics told stories of white picket walls and atomic individuals. Homeschooling, sourdough beginner, quarantinis, Bunnings projects, family members Tiktoks. A run on rescue canines and jigsaws. Hunker down, get cosy making use of the household. Develop a veggie plot. Enjoy the footy with a beer or two. This will be a winter like not one, but we’ll make it through it together. Keep your household close.

But what if you do not accept household? What if all your family members provides declined you if you are trans? What if your just household are fellow queers who will be today prohibited from event?

Let’s say it is possible to feel your self vanishing after months and months starved of anyone as you?

Exactly what after that?


n spring season, after a lot more than 6 months of lockdown, I’m asked to your Zoom launch in the
latest problem


, a Melbourne-based queer mag. I’ve provided articles, and want us to read from my personal piece.

I agree, but regarding duty. Its another task, yet another Zoom to increase the 100s upon hundreds went to this year. There’s been plenty soul-crushing several hours observing a montage of faces. At this stage, exactly the view with the blue-and-white Zoom logo causes nausea.


the guy week ahead of the launch, an Australia Post package shows up: designs. The


staff have actually sent myself rainbow banners, mag posters and confetti to liven up my personal backdrop. Vivid reds and blues and purples and veggies. It really is needless and that I think it’s great.

With existence today paid off to clean necessities, all unlimited tones of grey, there is something defiant about spending time and money on mere colourful

report. It reminds myself of joys of frivolity.

The address of All About Yves: records from a Transition by Yves Rees. Available for purchase
right here


n the night, rainbow decorations properly strung upwards behind me, the launch begins with an exercise regimen led by drag musician
Betty Grumble
. Decorated in high-cut leotard and mid-eighties sweatbands, Grumble will get you to shimmy and shake.

“Thank the systems, thank your figures!” she instructs, wrapping the woman hands around herself.

Subsequent, members read from your parts. Besides me personally, there’s a homosexual guy speaing frankly about the ravages of HIV; a lesbian confessing the woman Catholic shame; an Indigenous area chief. Various different, all valued right here. In this space, we are the VIPs, not the freaks. From the hub, not the margins.


s we study, the cam fulfills with love and affirmation from audience of fellow queers. We cannot take similar bodily location, but we reach one another with words. We haven’t moved my G&T but can however detect a glow in my own veins.

Already, this is a Zoom like few other. No further a chore. T

hen, the dancing begins.
DJ Gay Dad
, a non-binary musician,

leads all of us through a couple of queer anthems, very early 2000s pop classics, and classic disco.

The ‘crowd’ goes untamed. We writhe and bop and shake in our loungerooms, throwing feet and swaying hips, aside but with each other, shaking off of the stress of numerous several months.


omehow, I find the nerve to go out of my personal video on. I am moving like no body is actually seeing – but you many people are.

The difference is that they’re my men and women. The people whom never ever got the empathy vote on television, have been never acquiesced by ScoMo or Gladys or Daniel Andrews inside the North Face. The individuals exactly who understand what getting hidden feels as though. People who have no fucks kept to provide.

This can be our own option market, in which we improve policies.


he deals with from the display cheer my personal passionate dancing, that is high on energy if light on finesse. Tall kicks, waving hands, moving legs. Never ever end going. Work soaks my personal T-shirt; the cats have taken refuge beneath the sleep.

The DJ’s set is meant to work for one hour but eventually ends up going for more than two. We last track after finally tune, mainly for united states to plead for the next.

We are all creating stars of our selves tonight. A constellation of pulsing aliveness. Tonight, we insist upon all of our existence. With each other, we are real.

Dazzling, also.

This will be an extract from

Everything about Yves: Records from a Transition

(A&U, RRP $32.99) by Yves Rees and is available for purchase
right here

Dr Yves Rees (they/them) is actually a writer and historian based on unceded Wurundjeri secure. They truly are a Lecturer ever at La Trobe University, the co-host of Archive Fever background podcast, and the author of Everything about Yves: records from a Transition (Allen & Unwin, 2021). They are also co-editor of Nothing to cover: Voices of Trans and Gender different Australia (Allen & Unwin, 2022). Rees was given the 2020 ABR Calibre Essay Prize and a 2021 Varuna Residential Fellowship. Their writing has actually presented for the Guardian, This, Sydney Writeup On Books, Australian Book Evaluation, Meanjin, the Griffith Review and Overland, among other publications.

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